A Stop Along the Way

The work explores the “ideal”, both its illusion and its disillusionment, as well as the contrast between the natural and the wo.man – made, between the wild and the tamed.
“A Stop Along the Way” is a site-specific piece created for and performed on an island right outside the Aveiro city center (PT).
The audience views the performance while seated in boats.
The work was part of the “Suspended Islands” performance series and includes an installation, movement, and original music.
Later on, the work was reinstalled as part of LAMB (Land Art Moving Bianniel) in the city of Águeda, PT.  

Performance for the general public 
Length: 20 min 
Scenography: Darya Efrat
Music: Pedro Pestana and DARYA EFRAT                                                                                                                           Photos by: Mario Abreu, Festival dos canais
Produced by: Improvise and Organize  
Performed in: “Suspended Islands” project
              Festival dos Canais (Aviero, PT, 2021)